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Understanding Real Property Law is an introductory level text designed for students and professionals in disciplines such as law, architecture, construction, business or real estate ...
Annotated Conveyancing and Real Property Legislation New South Wales 2024-2025 is an indispensable resource tool for students and practitioners alike in the area of NSW ...
Fully revised and updated to include the latest administrative law decisions, Douglas and Jones is a leading text on administrative law. Already notable for its ...
Administrative Law Principles is an ideal text for students of administrative law. It utilises a systematic approach to resolving problems arising in administrative law incorporating ...
Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law presents a thorough account of the administrative state and the mechanisms that exist to bring it to account for its ...
Quick Reference Card: Administrative Law clearly summarises the key principles, legislation and case law relating to administrative law in Australia. This Quick Reference Card makes ...
Australian Administrative Law aims to make Australian administrative law accessible, bringing structure and clarity to a department of law that has become increasingly complex.
The ...
This book considers the ways in which the concept of the Rule of Law will need to evolve in order to ensure that the exercise ...
Administrative Appeals Tribunal 6th edition is for practitioners, migration agents, tribunal members, government decision-makers and others requiring a detailed yet accessible, treatment of the practice ...
This fully revised and updated edition of Annotated Administrative Appeals Legislation, extracted from the well-renowned Practice and Procedure High Court and Federal Court of Australia ...
De Smith's Judicial Review is the leading work on the history, principles and practice of judicial review in England and Wales.
A sophisticated, clear and engaging explanation of administrative law.Principles of Administrative Law offers a sophisticated yet clear account of what can be a dense ...
Pizer's Annotated VCAT Act, 7th edition, authored by Emrys Nekvapil, is an invaluable resource for everyone who appears in the Victorian Civil and Administrative ...
Royal Commissions: Law and Practice provides a modern, practical guide for those involved in the conduct of these inquiries. This new title aims to answer ...
This innovative new text provides students of administrative law with a quick search resource to answer questions across all key topics within Australian administrative law ...