Cover art for Government Accountability
Cambridge University Press, June 2023
Softcover, 672 pages
24.2cm × 17cm × 3.1cm

Government Accountability Australian Administrative Law 3rd edition

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Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law presents a thorough account of the administrative state and the mechanisms that exist to bring it to account for its actions. It contextualises the theory and explanation of administrative law through carefully chosen case studies and events that offer practical examples of the principles discussed and how they are applied.

The third edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate recent legal developments and includes expanded discussion of 'materiality' in the context of jurisdictional error. The examples used illustrate the operation of legal principles and reflect contemporary social and political circumstances. Written by a team of experts, and known for its clear, consistent and straightforward narrative with logical progression, Government Accountability remains a student-friendly guide to complex administrative law concepts. Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law is accompanied by a casebook, Government Accountability Sources and Materials: Australian Administrative Law, which provides curated cases and primary legal materials with helpful commentary.

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