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'I can understand myself only in the light of inner happenings. It is these that make up the singularity of my life, and with these ...
In The Undiscovered Self Jung explains the essence of his teaching for a readership unfamiliar with his ideas. He highlights the importance of individual responsibility ...
To Jung, synchonicity is a meaningful coincidence in time, a psychic factor which is independant of space and time. This revolutionary concept of synchronicity both ...
A richly illustrated collection of never-before-seen writings and drawings from the notebooks, portfolios, and personal papers of C. G. Jung's wife and collaborator.
Emma ...
This manual is the long-awaited definitive and essential guide to training, research and practice of Jung's Word Association Experiment, both in clinical practice and ...
JUNG - THE KEY IDEAS is designed to quickly familiarize you with the revolutionary thinking of Carl Jung, the founder of analytical ...
Jung's discovery of the 'collective unconscious', a psychic inheritance common to all humankind, transformed the understanding of the self and the way we interpret ...
Modern Man in Search of a Soul is the perfect introduction to the theories and concepts of one of the most original and influential religious ...
Aion is one of a number of major works that Jung wrote during his seventies that were concerned with the relations between psychology, alchemy and ...
The concept of "archetypes" and the hypothesis of "a collective unconscious" are two of Jung's better known ideas. In this volume, taken from the ...
A leading Jungian psychologist reveals the relationship between alchemy and analytical psychology, delving into the visionary work of a sixteenth-century alchemist
Although alchemy is popularly ...
An unprecedented, dreamwork-centered guide for exploring and understanding your dreams, presented by three Jungian analysts and the hosts of the podcast This Jungian Life
With ...
Within every woman lies a powerful force. Yet, somewhere along the line, the burdens of responsibility and desire to nurture the ones they love cause ...