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"The level of research and the thorough documentation of relevant issues and authorities (makes) this ... an invaluable reference (when) seeking to understand how the civil ...
This popular text provides valuable tools for the study of torts. Each chapter includes a summary of key principles, relevant cases and legislation necessary for ...
Quick Reference Card - Law of Remedies, 2nd ed, updated by Louise Parsons offers a concise and easy to follow summary of the most important principles ...
The essence of the law... Lawbook Co. Nutshells are the essential revision tool: they provide a concise outline of the principles for each of the ...
Quick Reference Card: Torts, 4th ed, clearly summarises the key principles, legislation and case law relating to tort law in Australia. This Quick Reference Card ...
"Defamation Law is an outstanding useful to the solicitor ... as it will be to counsel conducting a defamation trial or an appeal (and ...
"The Law of Torts has been influential in shaping the law in the major common law jurisdictions." - Sir Anthony Mason AC KBE "It is hardly ...
The tenth edition of Focus: Torts assists students to develop a better understanding of torts by identifying and explaining key areas of study. The authors ...
Luntz & Hambly's Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and ...
Recent decades have seen the Australian law of torts undergo a significant transformation. The statutory regimes enacted in the wake of the Ipp Report have ...
Jackson & Powell is the definitive text on Professional Liability. It provides comprehensive coverage of the law of professional liability. It is an essential reference ...
Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, one of our flagship titles and part of the Common Law Library series, is an essential reference tool which is ...
The main authority on the law of negligence, and frequently cited in court, Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence covers both common law and statutory duty ...
Now in its 7th edition, and edited by leading academic experts in tort law, Cases on Torts provides students of tort law with extracts from ...
What's New: Examination of important Canadian court decisions on topics such as: The Supreme Court of Canada's new approach to the duty of ...