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When Shakespeare's character, Polonius, advised his son: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be", he was referring to the hazards of lending to friends ...
Keays Insolvency has become a recognised text on personal and corporate insolvency law and practice in Australia, and it is widely used by practitioners and ...
This 4th edition generally follows the structure of earlier editions which has been found to be efficient. After a short history of the subject, it ...
The Fifth Edition of Sutton on Insurance Law makes a welcome return to the Thomson Reuters insurance practitioners' library in 2024. The work builds on ...
Australian Insolvency Law provides an accessible and concise explanation and analysis of the important aspects of both personal and corporate insolvency law and practice.
The ...
Australian Insolvency Law Cases and Materials provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the key cases and materials of insolvency law in Australia.
With a ...
Insolvency Law: Commentary and Materials fills an important gap in student learning: exposure to the critical cases and materials that shape personal and corporate insolvency ...
The Protection of Employee Entitlements in Insolvency- An Australian Perspective is the first detailed analysis of the law and policy dealing with employee entitlements such ...
Insolvent Investments identifies and explains significant problems that arise in the insolvency of collective investment vehicles in Australia, paying particular attention to matters concerning managed ...
This new edition provides a clear, concise commentary on the relevant fundamental concepts, technical detail and practical issues as applied to individuals and companies in ...