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Patent Law in Australia Fourth Edition provides an indispensable guide to obtaining, maintaining, enforcing and challenging the validity of patents in Australia. Balancing both the ...
Design is integral to our everyday lives and generally involves some creative effort that fulfils a purpose. A well-designed product is likely to be better ...
The Global Guide to Special Economic Zones provides much sought-after, expert analysis of these critical economic assets offering a catalyst for development, innovation and economic ...
This engaging text explains and discusses the major principles and issues underpinning intellectual and industrial property law in Australia. The content is structured to develop ...
Islands and their status in international law have become one of the more contentious issues in public international law. However, despite this, there is no ...
Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names has provided clear and authoritative advice on all aspects of UK trade mark law since 1894 ...
Australian Trade Mark Law 3rd edition, provides a comprehensive overview of trade mark law in Australia. It moves beyond a purely descriptive account of existing ...
Now in its nineteenth edition, Terrell on the Law of Patents has been the authority on UK patent law for over 135 years. It provides ...
Canadian securities law consists of an enduring core of fundamental principles that are refined, and sometimes shrouded, by a complex and constantly evolving body of ...
The fifth edition of this highly regarded book provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of the principles of private international law and the methods by ...
A leading text in its field, Copinger & Skone James on Copyright offers thorough and comprehensive coverage of the main aspects of copyright and connected ...
Sterling on World Copyright Law provides you with comprehensive analysis of copyright law and decided cases on a national, international and regional level. The text ...