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This book analyses a number of commonly found boilerplate clauses in commercial contracts and illustrates, through case law, how the various forms of these clauses ...
Statutory compulsory rapid adjudication has now spread to all States, the Northern Territory and the ACT. The fourth edition of this book covers the following ...
Principles of Australian Contract Law is designed to equip students and legal practitioners with the knowledge and skills required to understand and apply relevant contractual ...
This book is the definitive Australian text on the law applicable to the use of deeds by practitioners. It is about the technicalities of putting ...
Designed specifically for construction students and professionals, and written by a team of construction law experts, this book covers contract administration topics integral to all ...
__PRESENT Principles of Contract Law , 7 th edition, remains Australia's premier text for students of contract law. The new edition has been substantially revised ...
Understanding Construction Law is designed to provide construction professionals such as architects, building surveyors, construction managers, construction contract administrators, engineers, and quantity surveyors with a ...
In Principles of Australian Contract Law: Cases and Materials, the authors draw together the key decisions and relevant legislation that illustrate the development of legal ...
The Interpretation of Contracts in Australia Second Edition provides practitioners with essential guidance on the construction and interpretation of contracts, including in difficult matters of ...
__PRESENT Australian Contract Law: Principles and Cases Australian Contract Law: Principles and Cases Second Edition is a distinctive two-in-one text that concisely sets out general ...
The essence of the law... Lawbook Co. Nutshells are the essential revision tool: they provide a concise outline of the principles for each of the ...
The Law of Misleading or Deceptive Conduct primarily refers to the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (the CCA) and the Australian ...
A collection of 100 recipes that introduces Japanese comfort food to home cooks, exploring new ingredients, techniques and the surprising origins of popular dishes like ...