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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included ...
HANDBOOK OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FOR INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS Learn to effectively install and commission complex, high-performance instrumentation and controls in modern process plants
In Handbook ...
A unified framework for developing planning and control algorithms for active sensing, with examples of applications for specific sensor technologies.
Active sensor systems, increasingly deployed ...
Instrumentation and Control Systems, Third Edition, addresses the basic principles of modern instrumentation and control systems, including examples of the latest devices, techniques and applications ...
Electric Motors and Control Systems provides an overview of electric motor operation, selection, installation, and control and maintenance for a range of motor types and ...
Extensive practical plant based knowledge to achieve the best automation system
This fully updated on-the-job reference contains all the automation and control ...
The course of Machine Elements or Machine Design is one of the most fundamental that students take. It focuses on single components of machines in ...
The classic text on control systems - completely updated and revised for the most student-friendly edition ever
This completely overhauled Tenth Edition of the renowned textbook ...
Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and Application, Second Edition, introduces undergraduate engineering students to measurement principles and the range of sensors and instruments used for measuring ...
Presented in a tutorial style, this text reduces the confusion and difficulty in grasping the design, analysis, and robustness of a wide class of adaptive ...