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This book explains how rotating machinery works, and the role of the maintenance engineer in ensuring its proper operation. Stress is laid on the need ...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included ...
Touted by maintenance and reliability professionals around the world as a "must-read for anyone who wants to stay competitive in today's industrial environment," and ...
This is a hands-on reference guide for the maintenance or reliability engineer and plant manager. As the third volume in the "Life Cycle Engineering" series ...
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Tenth Edition has taught reliability and safety engineers techniques to minimize process design, operation defects and failures ...
This book comprehensively outlines what a holistic and effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA) system looks like. From the designing of the support infrastructure to the ...
The book is about applying Lean manufacturing principles to industrial maintenance in order to improve the efficiency and be able to do more with the ...
How Can Reliability Analysis Impact Your Company's Bottom Line?
While reliability investigations can be expensive, they can also add value to a product that ...
When humans are well, they are in a state where body, mind, and spirit are holistically integrated, and, as a result, are healthy, happy, and ...
Uptime describes the combination of activities that deliver fewer breakdowns, improved productive capacity, lower costs, and better environmental performance. The bestselling second edition of Uptime ...
Comprehensive reference covering all aspects of gas insulated substations including basic principles, technology, use & application, design, specification, testing and ownership issues
This book provides ...
The majority of the cost-savings for any oil production facility is the prevention of failure in the production equipment such as pressure vessels. Money lost ...
With emphasis on practical aspects of engineering, this bestseller has gained worldwide recognition through progressive editions as the essential reliability textbook. This fifth edition retains ...