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A revised introduction to the Linux operating system for beginning hackers and penetration testers.
A revised introduction to the Linux operating system for beginning hackers ...
Free operating system for various platforms that can be built and configured by the user or users to best suit their system needs. Chart includes ...
Now in its 7th edition, Linux in easy steps guides the reader through the basics of Linux, including how to install the Linux operating system ...
Linux is for everyone!
Linux All-in-One For Dummies breaks down the ever-popular operating system to its basics and trains users on the art of Linux ...
Your ultimate guide to pentesting with Kali Linux
Kali is a popular and powerful Linux distribution used by cybersecurity professionals around the world. Penetration testers ...
Best selling guide to the inner workings of the Linux operating system with over 50,000 copies sold since its release in 2014. This in-depth ...
Advance your understanding of the Linux command line with this invaluable resource
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 4th Edition is the newest installment ...
Quickly learn how to use Ubuntu, the fastest growing Linux distribution, in a personal or enterprise environment
Whether you're a newcomer to Linux or ...
Your step-by-step guide to the latest in Linux
Nine previous editions of this popular benchmark guide can't be wrong! Whether you're new to ...
The industry favorite Linux guide Linux Bible, 10th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more ...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included ...
You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer--now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line.
You ...
Over 75 labs will accompany the textbook developed to be used within the Pearson IT Cybersecurity Curriculum (ITCC). Course 4: Linux Fundamentals for Cybersecurity, which ...
Stop manually analyzing binary! Practical Binary Analysis is the first book of its kind to present advanced binary analysis topics, such as binary instrumentation, dynamic ...
Linux distributions are widely used by technical professionals to support mission-critical applications and manage crucial data. But safeguarding Linux systems can be complex, and many ...