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The #1 visual guide to building construction principles, updated with the latest materials, methods, and systems For over four decades, Building Construction Illustrated has been ...
This updated edition covers most of the popular renovations and alterations around the home in line with the Building Code of Australia. This book is ...
This book is ideal for anyone either wanting to know how to build decks or pergolas. Easy to follow instructions cover every procedure, from designing ...
This step by step guide describes roof building in an easy to grasp style with new quick and easy table and bevels essential to all ...
Here is your opportunity to own a copy of the latest version of "A Roof Cutter's Secrets" (4th version - 2023). This is the very ...
Here is your opportunity to own a copy of the latest version of "A Roof Cutter's Secrets" in Metric. This is the very book ...
Written to the units of competency for the new Certificate III in Carpentry (CPC30220), Carpentry Skills for Certificate III 2e is industry focused, with comprehensive ...
If you're in need of info on framing construction, look no further. This newly revised and updated edition of our classic visual handbook is ...
Architecture in uneven terrains challenges conventions and invites us to rethink the relationship between the natural environment and human design. In this book, we explore ...
The 13th edition of Chudley and Greeno's Building Construction Handbook remains THE authoritative reference for all construction students and professionals. The principles and processes ...
Looking to build a new house? Why not do it yourself? The Blockinator can help!These days, more and more people are building their own ...
Few aspects of a construction project are more fundamental than the cost estimate, which can mean the difference between a professionally executed project and a ...
Used in the British Isles since its twelfth-century reintroduction into England from the continent, brick remains the most versatile of all building materials, standing as ...
New edition of the popular handbook
The Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic of advanced construction literature, not least due to its regular revisions ...
Renovating or building your own home is one of the biggest investments (financially and emotionally) you can ever make. For years, the BuildHer Collective have ...