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A one-stop-shop for all the math you should have learned for your programming career.
A one-stop-shop for all the math you should have learned for ...
The fundamental mathematical tools needed to understand machine learning include linear algebra, analytic geometry, matrix decompositions, vector calculus, optimization, probability and statistics. These topics are ...
This handy reference to core concepts is designed to help students in courses that are a gateway to jobs in engineering and science. Students can ...
Study smarter and stay on top of your discrete mathematics course with the bestselling Schaum's Outline-now with the NEW Schaum's app and website ...
Master the dual arts of functional programming and advanced math with this illuminating intro to mathematical functions-complete with 500 bite-size coding exercises!
Master the dual ...
Detailed review of optimization from first principles, supported by rigorous math and computer science explanations and various learning aids
Supported by rigorous math and computer ...
This updated version of Animation Maths is an accessible and practical guide to animation programming. It opens with arithmetic, solving systems and trigonometry fundamentals, then ...
Study smarter and stay on top of your differential equations course with the bestselling Schaum's Outline-now with the NEW Schaum's app and website ...
A concise introduction to programming and modeling real world systems with MATLAB, a popular programming language for science and engineering. Unlike competing books which are ...
The moment problem in mathematics focuses on a measure within a sequence over a temporal period. Issues associated with the moment problem involve probability theory ...
This survey of the most important properties of the Chebyshev polynomials encompasses several areas of mathematical analysis: interpolation theory, orthogonal polynomials, approximation theory, numerical integration ...
This original work discusses mathematical methods needed by undergraduates in the United States and Canada preparing for competitions at the level of the International Mathematical ...
An outstanding introduction to tensor analysis for physics and engineering students, this text admirably covers the expected topics in a careful step-by-step manor. In addition ...