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The spellbinding new book by the prizewinning writer Kapka Kassabova tells the story of her time with the last moving pastoralists in Europe- a gripping ...
For John Connell, the lambing season on his County Longford farm begins in the autumn. In the sheep shed, he surveys the dozen females in ...
'This book deserves a place in your bookcase next to Harari's Sapiens. It's every bit as fascinating and is surely destined to be ...
Driving through the countryside, you may have noticed that nowadays it's paddock after paddock of merino sheep, while virtually every cow lining up for ...
A charming and eye-opening exploration of the special relationship between humans and chickens from Sy Montgomery, "one of our finest chroniclers of the natural world ...
The bestselling author of How Dogs Love Us stumbles onto a special friendship with a cow named BB and sets out to crack the code ...
Written by experts in the field, Keeping Pigs A Practical Guide for Smallholders is the only pig-keeping book aimed both at the small-scale producer and ...
If you've never thought of goats as supermodels, the glamorous caprines on these pages will soon change your mind. Every one of these gorgeous ...
Full of information and practical advice, this book will be invaluable for anyone thinking about keeping goats, for those who have recently acquired goats, and ...
We talk about people behaving like sheep, which assumes that sheep all behave in the same way. That has not been my experience. Some are ...
So at the age of 61, with no farming experience, he signed on as a part- time labourer on a beef cattle farm to tell ...
"I love your ideas, but I only have a few acres. How do I do this at my scale?" Success with domestic livestock does not ...
Practical Cattle Farming is written by two experienced, practising veterinarians, and covers the essential elements of beef and dairy cattle farming and the latest cutting-edge ...
No buts: discover the addictive joy of raising goats
Goats are amazing, multi-talented creatures that have been domesticated for over 10,000 years. As well ...
The demand for quality milk products is increasing throughout the world. Food patterns are changing from eating plant protein to animal protein due to increasing ...