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New and improved! A skill-building introduction that helps beginning woodturners master basic woodworking techniques on their own. Written by a professional woodturning instructor with over ...
For any keen woodturners out there who want to do more turning but are short of time, 30-Minute Woodturning is the perfect book as it ...
This unique book is a step-by-step guide to both the art and the craft of woodturning. It is an exploration of turned shapes and the ...
Classic Projects & Smart Techniques Every Turner Needs to Know.
There's a lathe in your shop, stock at arm's length, and you're ...
With only a few turning tools and a lathe, it's possible to create a host of useful and artistic objects. Part of the appeal ...
Contemporary Woodturning is a clearly illustrated practical guide to woodturning aimed at woodworkers at all skill levels: a one-stop solution for experienced turners and novices ...
Turning Decorative Bowls is an exciting new title containing 16 inspiring woodturning projects created by one of the UK's leading turners. Compiled from the ...
Keith Rowley's bestselling introduction to the art of woodturning is exceptional for its friendly and methodical approach, building up the reader's skills and ...
Turning Green Wood is the latest edition of this best-selling title. In this inspiring and thought-provoking guide, Michael O' Donnell, one of the foremost exponents ...
Pen turning is a relatively easy and inexpensive hobby that doesn't require a lot of expensive tools or take a long time to produce ...
Author Barry Gross, an artist and professional woodturner, offers expert instruction, valuable tips and common-sense advice that will eliminate the mystery while infusing some fun ...
The Woodturning Pattern Book is an essential, one-of-a-kind resource for beginning woodturners as well as people who have spent many hours at the lathe. It ...
Complete coverage of woodturning techniques for furniture makers. You will learn everything about woodturning that is important to a furnituremaker--even if you've never worked ...
Woodturning is a fun, engaging, and tremendously rewarding hobby that will last a lifetime, but to enjoy it, you have to take the first steps ...
Turned Boxes is a must for all avid woodworkers. Packed with over 40 projects, there are designs to suit all levels of ability as well ...