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Mapping closely to how ore deposit geology is now taught, this textbook systematically describes and illustrates the major ore deposit types, linking this to their ...
Mining is not for the fainthearted. Yes, the rewards are enormous. But so are the risks-and consequences-of failure. Risk Management in Evaluating Mineral Deposits walks ...
Fragmentation characteristics influence mucking productivity, crusher throughput and energy consumption, plant efficiency, yield and recovery, or the price itself of the end product in the ...
There is considerable scope for improving the outcome of any blasting operation through basic understanding and application of the principles of blasting science and technology ...
The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope: An Optical Guide, Second Edition, is a very detailed color atlas for ore/opaque minerals (ore microscopy), with a ...
This practical step-by-step guide describes the key geological field techniques needed by today's exploration geologists involved in the search for metallic mineral deposits. The ...