Sally Tinker, the world's foremost inventor under the age of twelve, has an extraordinary new challnege. The brain-enhancing nanobots she is testing have been accidentally swallowed by her baby brother Joe. The only way to stop Joe turning into a superbaby and wreaking super havoc is to shrink herself and travel inside Joe's body on a journey to tackle the problem head-on. What could possibly go wrong? As it turns out, this is only the beginning.
Amy is a keen children’s book nerd and spends a lot of time reading and reviewing picture books with her toddler, Fenrir. But it’s not all colourful pictures! Her passion is getting kids reading, and her life's mission is to get the right books in the right hands. Ask her for advice or recommend something to her and watch her eyes light up!
James Foley teems up with the world's foremost inventor under the age of twelve, Sally Tinker to give you the third installment in the highly graphic fact based fiction story of Sally and friends and her gross little brother Joe. This time they are journeying through the bowels of...well Joe when he accidently swallows some brain enhancing nanobots they must remove them before Joe becomes a superbaby and wreaks havoc on the world! Perfect for beginning readers, these are fun, action packed, intriguing stories from WA local author and incredible illustrator, James Foley.