Cover art for Electrical Principles 8th + Electrical Wiring Practice 9th Combo Pack
Mcgraw-Hill Book Co, September 2022
28cm × 21cm × 5.3cm

Electrical Principles 8th + Electrical Wiring Practice 9th Combo Pack

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Electrical Wiring Practice, 9th Edition

The new edition of Electrical Wiring Practice supports thedelivery of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician (UEE30820).

Written to AQF level 3, this edition has been strengthenedto address the new units of competency (UOC), including coverage of popularTelecommunications electives.

All chapters have been updated to reflect the new trainingpackage, and ensure all references to Wiring Rules and relevant standards arecurrent.

Additional chapters mean the text is also suitable fordelivery of UEE22020-Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start), givingstudents the opportunity to carry the same text through two qualifications.

Electrical Principles for Electrical Trades, 8th Edition

Available in August 2022, Electrical Principles8e has beenrevised to underpin the UEE30820 Certificate III in ElectrotechnologyElectrician qualification. Written to AQFlevel 3, this edition has beenstrengthened to align to the new units of competency, and further address newemerging technologies.

Additional chapters make the text also usable for UEE22020Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start), broadening the appeal andgiving students the opportunity to carry the same text through twoqualifications.

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