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Learn simple methods for making soap-right in your own kitchen! Making soaps and other bath and body products is hugely popular because it's fun ...
Soap making is a fun and creative hobby that you can do right in the comfort of your own kitchen. Want to learn how? Look ...
For reasons of language and history, the United States has prized its Anglo heritage above all others. However, as Carrie Gibson explains with great depth ...
The author of The Splendid and the Vile brings to life the pivotal five months between the election of Abraham ...
Argo meets Spotlight, as New York Times bestselling author Craig Unger reveals his thirty-year investigation into the secret collusion between Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential ...
In the heart of Santiago, the infamous 38 Londres Street becomes the haunting backdrop for a riveting tale that intertwines the arrest of Augusto Pinochet ...
The epic, tragic story of the Puritan conquest of New England through the eyes of those who lived it Over several decades beginning in 1620 ...
Few Americans covered as much ground as Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Born in 1823 to a family descended from Boston's Puritan founders, he attended Harvard ...
Steven Gillon, New York Times bestselling author of America's Reluctant Prince, returns with the story of how WWII shaped the characters and policy of ...
A compelling and nuanced exploration of Abraham Lincoln's political acumen, illuminating a great politician's strategy in a country divided-and lessons for our own ...