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C# Programming in easy steps, 3rd edition teaches you how to code applications and demonstrates every aspect of the C# language you will need to ...
Get the latest coverage of the newest features in C#9 and .NET 5
In Professional C# and .NET: 2021 Edition, Microsoft MVP for Visual ...
The professional programmer's Deitel(R) guide to C# 2010 and the powerful Microsoft(R) .NET 4 Framework Written for programmers with a background in ...
If you're a .NET developer looking to build tablet apps, this practical book takes you step-by-step through the process of developing apps for the ...
This essential classic title provides a comprehensive foundation in the C# programming language and the frameworks it lives in. Now in its 8th edition, you ...
This book presents the C# 5.0 language in a uniquely succinct and visual format. Often in programming books, the information can be hidden in ...