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How can we apply the teachings of the greatest ancient philosopher to modern life?
Socrates is the most famous ancient philosopher and the father of ...
Mitford is a giraffe. But not your everyday, live-on-the-savannah giraffe. Mitford lives in the city. But not your everyday, filled-with-people city. This city is filled ...
Constantly looking outwards, humans have crossed continents and oceans, invented technological wizardry, created and consumed artwork, even hurled ourselves into outer space. However this seeking ...
An enriching collection of classical writings about how ancient Romans made and thought about money
Ancient Romans liked money. But how did they make a ...
An irresistible anthology of ancient Greek writings that explore queer desire and love
'Eros, limb-loosening, whirls me about again,
that bittersweet, implacable creature.'
The ...
A modern translation of the ancient Roman poet Ovid's Remedies for Love a witty and irreverent work about how to fall out of love ...
A detailed analysis of oikonomia, an underexplored branch of knowledge in ancient Greek philosophy.
In this book, Etienne Helmer offers a comprehensive analysis of oikonomia ...
A grand new vision of cognitive science that explains how our minds build our worlds
For as long as we've studied the mind, we ...