This highly esteemed work, now in its 35th year of publication, has once again been written by the authoritative and well-respected author James L Glissan QC, and provides useful and practical checklists for examination, cross and address. It also details when and what objections may be taken, and constructive hints and techniques for dealing with difficult witnesses, opponents and judges.
In addition to classic cross-examinations from great advocates of the past, this edition includes a new chapter on royal commissions, inquiries and anti-corruption bodies, providing timely coverage of the unique advocacy requirements in these investigative quasi-judicial tribunals. Features Authoritative author Concise practical hints and advice Examples and checklists Related Titles Curthoys & Kendall, Advocacy: An Introduction, 2006 Alexander and Boulle, Mediation Skills and Techniques, 3rd Ed., 2019 Howard, R v Milat: A Case Study in Cross-examination, 2014 Mildren, R v Murdoch: The Falconio Case A Study in Identification and Circumstantial Evidence, 2015.