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This second edition has been brought up to date following the latest developments in the state. The human history of Western Australia, as of all ...
Red dirt, intense heat, and hordes of flies; the Australian Outback is one of the harshest environments in the world. But this did not stop ...
The incredible true story of one of the most extraordinary and inspirational prison breaks in Australian history. New York, 1874. Members of the Clan-na-Gael - agitators ...
O'Connor's life was both a triumph and a tragedy. He pulled himself up from disadvantaged beginnings in a famine-torn Ireland to become a ...
The British flag has been planted... the name of King George IV had been invoked... the Swan River Colony was launched. What now?This book ...
A remarkable collection of photographs from the late 19th century through to the early 20th century of this unique Australian goldfields town by a photographer ...
In the 1970s and 1980s, the Pilbara iron ore industry was a bastion of militant unionism 'union power'. Today, it is almost completely un-unionised.
Labour ...
The Shipwreck of the Batavia combines in just the one tale the birth of the world's first corporation, the brutality of colonisation, the battle ...
A magical, substantially true narrative of piracy, zoology, anthropology, danger and adventure in the seventeenth-century Caribbean, Pacific and East Indies
The first great English-language travel ...
In 1962 a lone astronaut orbiting the Earth sighted a small cluster of lights on the dark silhouette of Australia's western coastline - a token ...
This book is a biographical history of Rottnest Island, a small carceral island offshore from Western Australia. Rottnest is also known as Wadjemup, or "the ...
One of the best local histories published in WA and a beautiful book. A new edition with some upgrading. Essential reading.
From Hugh Edwards, one of the discoverers of the wreck of the Batavia, comes Islands of Angry Ghosts, an expert and compelling look at one ...
A Perth Camera is a treasure trove of rediscovered images by the late Ernie Polis from a lifetime spent photographing the city.
Following his high-profile ...