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Trout in Western Australia explores the history of the state's freshwater fishery over the past one hundred and fifty years. From forested rivers and ...
The ultimate keep-in-your-pocket guide to the subject, it may be diminutive in size but it punches well above its weight in terms of usefulness, being ...
To most people, the mention of marine plants conjures up images of rotting seaweeds piled high on the beach, or slithering threateningly around bare ankles ...
The Ningaloo Marine Life Identification Guide is a key resource for snorkellers, divers and anyone fascinated by the amazingly diverse marine life associated with Western ...
The Perth Coast Fish Book is the most comprehensive fish identification guide ever produced for the coastal waters surrounding Western Australia's capital city - featuring ...
Published in August 2017, and containing over 420 colour photographs, The Rottnest Island Fish Book is the most comprehensive fish guide ever produced for Rottnest ...
This phenomenally successful guide to the wealth and variety of fish in Australia's tropical waters - including the Great Barrier Reef - and South-East Asia has ...
This book has wide ranging expertise and there is something here for even the most experienced angler. This book is invaluable in planning your trip ...
A Handbook to Australian Seashells will help you to identify most of the shells you find, no matter where you are on the Australian coast ...
Algal blooms have the potential to wipe out fish farms virtually overnight. Contamination of seafoods with algal toxins can poison human consumers of fish and ...
A comprehensive and practical handbook that identifies fishes commonly seen in Australian waters. The species entries are grouped in families in the internationally accepted scientific ...
A fascinating overview of the extraordinary diversity of Australia's marine and freshwater fishes, illustrated with the breathtaking artwork of Roger Swainston, one of the ...
A Photographic Guide to Seashore Life of Australia will help you to easily identify the fascinating creatures you discover as you amble along the beach ...
This colorful field guide describes the nudibranchs from Western Australia. Each brief description includes scientific name, size, abundance, and geographical range. Highly recommended for anyone ...